Himalayan Portraits Photo Expo

Lhasa nomad girls

Himalayan Portraits
Soul Stories

Looking at the Himalayan Portraits, we can find a story that the person possibly tells us. This is not limited to one story, there are many chapters in the story, and therefore Emmy chooses to show more photos of the same person or look-alikes as if the story continues and unveils deeper layers of the soul.

We look at the portraits of Himalayan people who are for most of us from a very different, exotic and faraway world. Emmy captures in her special way the emotions and passions of the people in the Himalaya because she feels very connected with this part of the world. Some people she met again even after a year or more and it extended the Soul Stories in different times and layers.

It is fascinating to see these different faces and sometimes combined with a glimpse of the remote places where they live, but if we take the time to look more up-close, we can even see in them the reflection of ourselves and there is recognition of the different moods and we can acknowledge the similarities with our own lives. It means that wherever our souls are based, we are all connected.

The selection of Himalayan Portraits that she shows is part of the bigger theme in her work about faces and fates, connection and interaction. There are many things that separate us, but also what gather us. If we can recognize that we are all connected, it will help us to care more about others and ourselves, which even can influence and improve the environment in this world where our souls wander.


Photo Stories by Emmy Schoorl

Photo Expo 15 January – 25 February 2017

 1688 Art Space,
1688 Shaanxi bei lu
Shanghai, China

Himalayan Portraits Photo Gallery

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